Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today the topic of discussion is graffiti. Personal I have mixed feelings on the issue. I think it's utter destruction of property, but at the same time it's very intriguing. There are many reasons why people will tag something. Often it only serves the purpose of impressing friends, you can see this in pointless messages and sloppy tags. Often there are professional street artists. These people are getting a message across or trying to have their art reach the public. This can simply be seen in artistic ability and strong outlining. I searched FLICKR, one of those photo websites, in attempts to find some relevant street-art. There were three photos that immediately stirred interest. The first is of a wall on a playground. This was probably a mural because of its grandness and appropriateness. I thought the color scheme was fun and if anything there is an uplifting message. The second was a very creative poster. I'm not even going to explain it, look for yourself. The final image I selected was confusing. I understand it, just not the artists motivation behind it. As far as tagging people and items in a photo I think most peers of mine would understand it. Facebook has taught us so much...

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